Monday, July 20, 2009

Generation Disposable Everything

Remember the old days where you can fix everything you own.
Be it your old Radio, Watch, Clock, Pans, almost everything.

But now....
Some Mass production isn't followed with the productions of spare parts.
Maybe because it's cheap to mass product, so there's no need to fix.
Just throw and buy a new one, fixing cost more.
or Maybe it's just marketing, If customers can't fix a broken handle of a pan and can't find a replacement for the handle then they'd have to buy a new one.
Throw away everything and Buy new ones with a "cuter" model.
This creates Disposable everything.
and what do we get ? Waste waste waste..... Lots of waste.

You know when you buy pens in a bookstore.
The ordinary cheap pens.
Yes they may have a pen refill available.
But they're hard to find.
and when you try to look a pen refill for your cheap pen, You can't find it, coz they have a new pen model out that has a different refill model and the old ones are already discontinued.

That's a picture of the stuff I have on my table right now. At least 7 of them is almost unusable with no Refill available. That's just from 1 person.

Then comes the promotional pens they give away for free.
Those tiny little cute pens that can't be refilled.
more waste.

Then comes the free give-away mugs.
Who needs another mugs ??

then comes everything else in life, every little products that's in your home.
Mouse for your computer for example, they break down oh so fast.

So is it the Manufacturer's fault ?
Yes... it's the greedy manufacturer's fault, BUT, It's not entirely their fault.
It's our fault as well.
We customers are ignorant lazy people.
We've become the Generation Disposable Everything.
What's the point of refilling a pen when buying a new one cost less than 1 dollar ?
Who cares what happens to the waste ?

Well, it all comes back full circle.
All the waste, all the pollutions, it all accumulates slowly and affects us all in return.
Result is global warming, Rising sea level, Acid rain, Unpredictable weather, Unbreatheable air, Natural Disasters gone crazy, etc.

So please....
Try not to waste so much.
Care a little :)

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